Grant Opportunity For Nonprofits Opens September 1st

In response to ongoing immediate needs within Central Alabama resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic, United Way of Central Alabama (UWCA) is offering the Community Crisis Fund grant opportunity. Proposals will be required to clearly communicate how funding will meet immediate needs of the community and support the ability of organizations to address specific human needs during the crisis.

Grant applicants will be required to complete an application that contains the following sections: (1) Administrative/Contact Information; (2) Grant Detail; (3) Budget Detail; (4) Budget Narrative. Applicants are required to explain how proposed programs/projects will support particularly impacted populations and address community service gaps or disparities.

Applications will be required to indicate one or more of the following areas of immediate need related to the COVID-19 crisis that the proposed project or program will address.

Basic Needs Assistance

  • Supply of, and access to, food
  • Utilities, rent and mortgage assistance
  • Emergency medical expenses for the uninsured and underinsured
  • Prescription drug assistance

Mental Health Supports

  • Crisis intervention supports (hotlines and crisis counseling)
  • Counseling
  • Social-emotional and/or mental health supports for school-aged children
  • Domestic violence intervention
  • Child abuse treatment
  • Substance abuse/overdose treatment

Education Supports

  • Childcare support assistance
  • Academic-acceleration activities

Funding Available: Up to $50,000

Term: One-year grant period from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022

Geographic Area: Applicants must be based, and serve clients, in one of the following Alabama counties: Blount, Chilton, Jefferson, Shelby, St. Clair or Walker.

How to Apply:

Applicants interested in pursuing this opportunity should read the full Request for Proposal guidance, preview a sample copy of the full application and apply here:

Applications will be accepted September 1 to October 1, 2021, through UWCA’s online grant system.

If your organization has questions regarding this opportunity, please contact Kadie Peters at / 205. 458.2168 or Stephanie Butler at / 205.251.5131, ext. 5664.